Proud to See Snow Camp's Jonjoe on BBC Ski Sunday!
Posted by Christian Williams onWe were really thrilled to see the awesome charity SNOW CAMP featured on last Sunday's BBC Ski Sunday tv programme!
We have been working with them for a few years now and help out in the little way that we can, whenever we can. We mainly provide the guys with our SnoKart bags to help them get over to the mountains.... many on their first trip and experience of being in the mountains!
Here's a pic of Jonjoe on his way to the slopes for the first time a couple of years ago!

Here is what the guys at Snow Camp themselves had to say:
Over the last week we have had tremendous support from our wonderful community: from sharing and liking our posts on social media to personally emailing your friends, colleagues and family the links to our amazing news coverage. You have really helped us to reach a wider audience and encouraged new individuals and organisations to join our growing community, thank you! Just in case you missed any of the amazing coverage please have a look at the video and link here...
Last weekend, BBC2's Ski Sunday showcased our work by sharing the story of Snow-Camp young person, Jonjoe Boulter. It's an inspirational story and if you haven't seen it yet, please take 5 minutes out of your day to watch it. Or if you have, please share the footage with your friends, family and colleagues: we want do show people across the UK how snowsports can positively impact inner-city young people."
Find out more about the great job that Snow Camp do here...
And also read what The Daily Telegraph had to say here...
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